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Hugo Savins

Residential Property consultant

Hugo Savins
(+371) 67210010
(+371) 27018118

"The work is dynamic, interesting and unpredictable, because each case is individual and unique, which in turn creates a desire and gives energy to work enthusiastically and with full dedication.


I believe that everything it has to offer must be taken from life. You have to live here and now. You have to set a goal and go to victory. "



• Stress resistance.

• Work passion.

• Willingness to know and learn the unknown, to get to know new people.

• Real estate knowledge.

• Ability to listen, analyze and suggest the right solution, leading the deal from start to finish.


Language skills:

• Latvian – native

• Russian – fluent


My motto: "Live so that you don't have to regret what you didn't do!"


Renting / selling of housing stock


Agent properties